Add a touch of autumnal magic to your recipes with our homemade pumpkin pie spice blend. This aromatic medley of spices will elevate your pumpkin creations to a whole new level of deliciousness. Our carefully crafted blend combines the warmth of cinnamon, the subtle heat of ginger, the earthy sweetness of nutmeg, the hint of spice from cloves…

So, embrace the spirit of the season and infuse your recipes with the warmth and comfort of our homemade pumpkin pie spice blend. With just a sprinkle, you’ll elevate your dishes to new heights and create moments of autumnal bliss for yourself and those you share them with.

Origin and history

The origin of pumpkin spice can be traced back to ancient times when spices were highly prized commodities. The combination of spices we now associate with pumpkin spice, including cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves, has been used individually in various cultures for centuries. These spices were cherished for their aromatic and flavorful properties and were commonly used in both sweet and savory dishes.

The specific blend of these spices as pumpkin spice gained popularity in the United States during the 20th century. It became closely associated with the flavors of autumn, particularly in traditional American recipes like pumpkin pie.

The rise in popularity of pumpkin spice can be attributed to its warm and comforting flavor profile that complements the natural sweetness of the pumpkin. It has become a quintessential symbol of fall and is widely used in a range of seasonal treats and beverages.

Today, pumpkin spice has expanded beyond pumpkin-based recipes and is found in a variety of products, including lattes, cookies, cakes, and even non-food items like scented candles and air fresheners. It has become synonymous with the cozy and nostalgic feelings associated with autumn, often evoking fond memories and a sense of seasonal celebration.

While pumpkin spice originated in the United States, its popularity has spread to other parts of the world, where it is now enjoyed in a variety of culinary creations during the fall season.

Tips and notes

As you mix these fragrant spices together, the kitchen fills with a cozy aroma that instantly evokes memories of crisp fall days and gatherings with loved ones. Each ingredient plays a crucial role in creating the perfect balance of flavors that will awaken your taste buds.

Sprinkle a teaspoon of our pumpkin pie spice blend into your favorite pumpkin pie recipe, and watch as it transforms the creamy filling into a symphony of autumnal flavors. But don’t limit yourself to just pies! This versatile spice blend can be used in a variety of treats, from pumpkin spice lattes and muffins to pancakes and bread.

By using our homemade blend, you have full control over the quality and freshness of the spices, ensuring a truly exceptional taste experience. Plus, it’s incredibly easy to make, so you’ll always have a batch on hand whenever inspiration strikes.

Here are some tips for making your own pumpkin spice blend:

  • Start with high-quality spices to ensure the best flavor. Freshly ground spices will have a more vibrant taste compared to pre-ground ones. Consider using whole spices and grinding them yourself for optimal freshness.
  • Achieving the right balance of flavors is key. A common ratio for pumpkin spice is 4 parts ground cinnamon, 2 parts ground ginger, 1 part ground nutmeg, and 1 part ground cloves. However, feel free to adjust the ratios according to your personal taste preferences.
  • If possible, use freshly grated nutmeg instead of pre-ground nutmeg. The freshly grated variety offers a more intense and aromatic flavor.
  • Combine all the spices in a bowl and mix them thoroughly until well blended. This ensures an even distribution of flavors throughout the blend.
  • Store your pumpkin spice blend in an airtight container in a cool, dark place to preserve its freshness and flavor. It can last for several months, but for the best taste, consider making small batches and using them within a few months.
  • Don’t be afraid to customize your pumpkin spice blend. You can experiment by adding a pinch of allspice, cardamom (as we did), or even a hint of black pepper for added complexity and depth of flavor.
  • Once you’ve made your pumpkin spice blend, consider labeling it with the date of creation and the ingredients used. This will help you keep track of its freshness and ensure you use it within an appropriate timeframe.
  • Remember that pumpkin spice is not limited to pumpkin-based recipes. Feel free to experiment and use it in various autumn-inspired dishes, such as coffee, oatmeal, muffins, and more.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to create a delicious homemade pumpkin spice blend that adds warmth and flavor to your favorite fall recipes. Enjoy the process of blending your own spices and savor the aromatic goodness of your creations.


The amount of pumpkin spice you use in your recipes will depend on your personal preference and the specific dish you are making. When adding pumpkin spice to recipes, it is generally recommended to start with smaller amounts and adjust to taste. A common guideline is to use about 1 to 2 teaspoons of pumpkin spice per standard-sized pumpkin-based recipe, such as pumpkin pie or pumpkin bread. However, you can always increase or decrease the amount based on your desired level of spiciness and flavor intensity.

Ultimately, the serving of pumpkin spice will vary depending on the recipe and the individual’s taste preferences. It’s best to follow the recipe instructions and then adjust the amount of pumpkin spice to suit your personal liking. Enjoy the process of experimenting with different amounts to find the perfect balance of flavors in your pumpkin-spiced creations.


  • Chai Spice;
  • Mexican Spice Blend;
  • Italian Seasoning;
  • Gingerbread Spice;
  • Mediterranean Spice Blend;
  • Everything Bagel Seasoning;

Pumpkin Pie Spices

Add a touch of autumnal magic to your recipes with our homemade pumpkin pie spice blend. This aromatic medley of spices will elevate your pumpkin creations to a whole new level of deliciousness. Our carefully crafted blend combines the warmth of cinnamon, the subtle heat of ginger, the earthy sweetness of nutmeg, the hint of spice from cloves…
So, embrace the spirit of the season and infuse your recipes with the warmth and comfort of our homemade pumpkin pie spice blend. With just a sprinkle, you'll elevate your dishes to new heights and create moments of autumnal bliss for yourself and those you share them with.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Course Condiments
Cuisine American
Servings 2 tbsp


  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp ground ginger
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ¼ tsp ground nutmeg
  • tsp ground cloves
  • ¼ tsp cardamom


  • Mix all the spices together until well combined.
Keyword American, condiments, Pumpkin, Seasoning, Spices